Friday, January 2, 2009

Rose Parade Float Viewing

Not many people live in Southern California and have the opportunity every year to take a short drive to see the floats from the Rose Parade. Ok, maybe that statement is not completely true since there are a ton of people that live in Southern California, but my point is that since we are here, so close to this once-a-year opportunity we should definitely take advantage of such an awesome sight…2 miles worth of floats decorated completely in stuff of “natural materials”. This year was going to be the year we took this trip. The kids were not exactly sure what to think but once we got there and they found out we would take a school bus to get to the viewing area they were very excited. This would be the first trip for each of them on a real school bus.

It was a bit cold which provided for some drama with Taylor. My Little Princess did not want to wear her jacket because then nobody would be able to see her gold sequin shrug. I did let her take her jacket off for a quick pic in the bus which resulted in a giant smile.

But as soon as we got to the viewing area and were back outside the jacket must go back on which created for some pretty interesting pictures: One upset Princess and One Crazy Cody.

The float for the princesses complete with a tiara was the one sure fire way to get a smile on Taylor's face.
Cody was head over heels for the Sesame Street float.
The day was awesome though, the floats were beautiful, and it makes me want to watch the parade now that I have seen the floats in real life. What it made we want to do even more though was go to the actual parade. I will add that to my list of things to do.

And it seems that many other people had the same idea as we did as the day wore on it turned into a sea of people checking out the once-a-year opportunity.

I’ll add another post with the pictures of the floats…I took a ton and had to narrow it down best I could.
Peace Out...Cub Scout!!!

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