Sunday, January 25, 2009

Formula 50...My addiction

I can't seem to get enough of this stuff...Vitman Water: Formula 50
There is something about it's simple taste of this drink that draws my attention to it. I've tried the other vitamin waters and they just don't do it for me. My mom (thanks Mom) will often throw one in my lunch (yes, my mom still packs my lunch) and those days I seem to have more energy, although my guess is that it is totally in my mind only. Since really the vitamin water is not some energy drink. The taste is simple, almost like a watered down grape kool-aid, which might not sound too appealing but it really is tasty. If you haven't tried one yet I encourage you to just give it a shot.

Peace Out...Cub Scout!!!

1 comment:

kim said...

tried it didn't like i. mary likes it though. she likes that and propel. does taylor liek that or she is still on green tea? now i DO like green tea