Thursday, August 14, 2008

Let the Christmas shopping begin

Sounds crazy, right? Well last year about this time I started gathering stuff for the kids for Christmas as I found good deals. It worked out perfectly and come the month of December I didn't have to stress about what to get them as I had a closet full of stuff ready to go. Today, marks the official start to my Christmas shopping. I went to Target today and of course had to swing by the $1.00 section. Really, there are marketing geniuses at Target that have to put this wonderful stuff right at the front door, you can't help but walk right through it and say, Wow, only $1.00 I need that. When you see something is $1.00 it's no longer a want, rather a need. What's better though than the $1.00 bin?? The $1.00 bin when there is a 75% off sale going on. Yes, that's right, toys, puzzles, and books for only one quarter.

Here is a picture of what I scored, and would you believe my total was only a little over $5.00

1 comment:

Kylee said...

Awesome deals! I had no idea they actually clearance out the dollar bin! Makes me wish I lived closer to Target.