Wednesday, July 16, 2008

My bucket list

These days with the movie "Bucket List" out it has seemed to spark the idea of creating a bucket list of things that you want to do in your lifetime. I never have had a bucket list, well until a few months ago. When I first found out about Club 33 I decided it had to be on my Bucket List. So there my Bucket List was with one entry. Last weekend though having complete my one item on my Bucket List and having a lot of fun doing so I decided that I need to add more to the list. What to add though?? Let me know what you think I should put on my Bucket List. I'll update it here and let you know as I complete things.

Bucket List
Club 33 - Complete

1 comment:

Kylee said...

Hmmm, visit a certain someone in Texas perhaps? LOL