Thursday, September 11, 2008

Procrastination Challenge - Pantry

I came across the Virtually Organized Blog after she was featured on The Org Junkie and of course being an organizing site, I was hooked as soon as I clicked the link. As I read further I discovered yet another challenge that I had to tackle, The Procrastination Challenge.

Sure I'm One Busy Mommy, but I always have room for more thing on my plate. The problem with being busy though is that I often procrastinate on getting some things done and make excuses that I don't have time. However, as soon as it becomes a challenge I figure a way to squeeze things in and get them done.

So I bring to you, my first attempt at The Procrastination Challenge...Getting my pantry looking more like a wonderfully organized food storage center and less like a jumbled mess of random food and stuff.

Peace Out...Cub Scout!!!


HDMac said...

Such a great project! I know I have done that recently too! I found that using plastic baskets REALLY helped to organize my pantry. It hels establish boundaries. And somewhere I read too, to put the crackers into a container after they are opened so that you can keep better track of them. That was a help too! Welcome to the challenge and we will be here to encourage you. If you are like me, you may have to just take one shelf, one area at a time to work around other things.

It is so nice to see one more join in!!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for joining the Procrastination Challenge! You've got a great pantry space. You might be able to maximize it with some shelf dividers and get twice as much short stuff on a few of the shelves.
Keep us updated on your progress!
Debbie Jordan Kravitz (Virtually Organized)