Friday, December 19, 2008


Alright, alright, I'm just going to say it so you all don't have to. Thanksgiving was almost a month ago and really there is no reason to Blog about something that happened a month ago. And I'm sure in some Blog rules this is against the law. But this is my Blog and my rules and since I slaved over an oven for 6 hours to cook a turkey I'm going to Blog about Thanksgiving where you like it or not. So here goes....
I took the day off work the day before Thanksgiving because I seriously had done nothing to prepare for the big Turkey Day. My mom was nice enough to go with me (Thanks Mom) and boy did we were ourselves out. We started at before 8:00 a.m. and didn't step foot back into the house until about 2:00 p.m. But I'm happy to say that with those hours we got everything we needed to buy, stuff we didn't even need, and picked up the tables and chairs because nobody is going to eat our our new furniture. LOL!
So I woke up early on Turkey Day and just lounged around until I finally realized...crap I bought a 23 pound bird I better get that baby started. About 9:00 I got everything out to get the stuffing made and cleaned the bird all out. Stuffed the bird with our super yummy apple stuffing recipe that Jeremy and I created a long time ago when we made our first turkey. In the bird went and sat for hours and hours until it was ready to eat. The turkey was delicious -- moist and flavorful. We had a ton of food, like always, but it made good leftovers so it was worth it.
This is where Thanksgiving got really interesting and turned into a day that everybody would remember, especially Cody.
Just as were finishing eating we heard a helicopter overhead...which of course means Jeremy has to go see what's going on...and then everybody followed. We were greeted outside by a couple of sheriff's cars and two sheriff's with their guns drawn pointing them down towards the end of our cul-de-sac. What the heck is going on?!?!?! At first we were told it was a home invasion robbery..Ok everybody inside now and lock the doors!!! However, it turned out it was just a neighbor dispute and nothing to be alarmed about. Everybody outside again to see what happens next now that it's safe.
Next thing we know a fire truck comes down the street....It's like it was sent from Santa as an early Christmas present to Cody. Cody is head over heels for anything fire truck related!! We hung around outside for a few more minutes and watched the "fire truck men" when one of them looked over and saw Cody. The wonderful "fire truck man" must have seen this look in a kids eye before and knew exactly what Cody wanted so he flagged us over and let Cody sit in the truck. Cody was a little hesitant at first to be so close to a real fire truck but beamed from ear to ear as soon as he say in the big seat. He is still talking about it almost a month later. See now you know you why I broke the Blog rules and had to write about Thanksgiving.

Cody in the big fire truck
The Turkey All Ready to Eat
The Aftermath of Turkey Day
Peace Out...Cub Scout!!!

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