Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas Celebration #2

Christmas Eve is always the time that we celebrate with my family. This year my sister was with her husband’s family but my mom, dad, Jeremy, the kids and I all gathered on Christmas Eve to keep the tradition going. Typically we have prime rib but this year opted for a much simpler meal, one of everyone’s favorites, my mom’s tacos. And what Jeremy thinks are the best brownies ever for dessert. After we were finished eating the kids opened up their presents. A ton of pajamas, clothes, and toys later they were each down to their last present. Taylor & Cody opened up their last present at the same time and were excited to finally get their portable DVD players that they have wanted for months.

Taylor & her Gourmet Cupcake Maker Cody & his firetruck step stool
Excited over pajamas
Peace Out...Cub Scout!!!

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