Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy New Year!!!

All day Taylor had been insisting on staying up until midnight to see the ball drop. She has been so excited for the New Year that she didn't get a nap in today...which meant only one thing...there is no way in the world she was going to make it to midnight. And on the rare chance she did make it she would be a complete brat by the time it did roll around.
So what's a parent to do...Well take advantage of being on the West Coast of course. Jeremy searched around to find a channel that would air the ball dropping at 9:00 California...12:00 New York time. So there we sat engrossed in the TV at a whopping 9:00 convincing Taylor that she made it to midnight. She was besides herself and very excited that Cody made it to and that they got to celebrate the New Year together as brother and sister.
Ten Minutes Left of 2008
Peace Out...Cub Scout!!!

Monthly Organizing Round-Up - Living Room

Well I fell off the wagon there and have regretfully missed the last few months of the Round-Ups that are hosted monthly by The Org Junkie. I'm back on track now though and ready for this month's challenge.

Organizing Blog

This month’s Round Up is living rooms. This was a tough one for me to decide on whether or not to do the “living room” or the room where we actually do the “living” aka the family room. That’s a whole another post though, I never figured out why they call it a living room when seriously the only time it is used is for Holidays and not for living. Oh well I guess that’s why I work in Human Resources and not building houses.

The family room in our house is pretty organized for the most part thanks to the most awesome entertainment center. It fits the hole in the wall perfectly. The entertainment center though helps to keep things in their place. Except for the pile of papers that ends up there instead of on the desk where they belong and the Wii accessories that were begging for a home and not just a shelf to sit on. Last year I added some baskets to the shelves on the left hand side to help organize the play-doh. Play-doh is off limits in the playroom so I keep it hostage in the family room. The couch is a plus and a minus. The couch pillows are always piled up in the corner of the couch, but look so much better when actually set up nicely. There is a center console on the couch that keeps the remotes nicely stored too. All in all not too much to do here since the room kind of organizes itself provided I take full advantage of the organizing features.

The Couch Before
The Couch After....Ahhh
The Entertainment Center Before
The Entertainment Center After
The Home for Play-Doh & Wii Stuff

Peace Out...Cub Scout!!!

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Bed Time Tonight...Rough but Funny

The kids are fighting bedtime tonight very much!! First off Cody insisted on having a sleepover with Taylor. He wants Taylor to sleep on his top bunk while he sleeps on the bottom. Sure why not, there isn't school tomorrow let's give it a try. I went into Cody's room helped get Taylor all set up top and let both Cody and Taylor know the rules. It's sleep time so no talking or getting out of control. Let's start the clock for how long this will last....3 minutes and I here commotion coming from Cody's room. They are jumping on the bed, having a good old time. Sleepover...over!! Taylor goes back to her room.
Fast forward 30 minutes...
Cody comes in the living room and I can here Taylor whispering in the hallway "coaching" Cody on what to say. Cody insists he is scared and needs Taylor to sleep in his room.
Taylor then walks in the living room and makes it look like she was know the eye thing, make myself look sleepy...everybody thought it worked as a kid, but mom knows better....and asks what's going on? HA! She knows exactly what's going on.
I take both of the kids back to bed, again, tuck them in.
Fast forward 45 more minutes....
Cody is finally asleep and Taylor is still fighting it like crazy, but I think she may be giving in. Most likely because her Little Puppet (aka Cody) has fallen asleep.

Peace Out...Cub Scout!!!

Monday, December 29, 2008

Cody's Preschool Pictures

There is no stopping him now, Cody is going to grow up whether I like it or not.

Peace Out...Cub Scout!!!

Taylor's Kindergarten Pictures

We are already halfway through the school year and I still have a hard time believing that my baby girl is in kindergarten. She looks too grown up in these pictures.

Peace Out...Cub Scout!!!

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Drive By - Knitting Calendar

Before I start this Blog I need to give you a backstory, or else you might read it and simply call the cops on my mom for doing drive bys in the neighborhood. My mom and dad live in our neighborhood just a few streets away, which is a total blessing. Anyways as soon as we moved into this neighborhood my mom started this thing of doing drive-bys (please keep reading it's not what you think, lol). When my mom is out shopping if she sees something that she knows Jeremy, me, or the kids will like she buys it then drives by our house leaves it on the porch and calls me on the phone to tell me to go to the porch. It's totally cool and totally random and always an awesome surprise. Now onto this post...

Yesterday I'm working on getting the house back in order and finding places for all of the new toys when my phone rings. I answer the phone and it's my mom with her famous words "Go check your porch". Woo-hoo! Drive By!! Goody time!!! I go to the porch and there are 2 trays of brownies, yes Jeremy's brownies that he loved eating on Christmas Eve. But then there was a Barnes & Noble bag, hmmm was it for me or the kids?? I opened the bag and screamed...It was the calendar I had been eyeing, 2009 Knitting-A-Day calendar. This calendar is the best. It has a ton of new knitting patterns, pictures and instructions to. I already flipped through the whole calendar and looked at every single pattern. I'm sure that is against the law since I should be only looking at them as each day passes. But it's my calendar so my rules. Thanks Mom!!!!

Peace Out...Cub Scout!!!

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Another Year...Another Dooney

Jeremy surprised me this year with a Dooney & Bourke bag. We had made a deal that Christmas this year would be our new furniture but we both broke that promise, I got him a GPS that he had been eyeing, so it's ok. Christmas time is always when I get my Dooney bags and this makes me love the Holidays even more. This year's bag is not just a purse though it's a tote bag perfect for holding everything I need on my daily train rides to and from work. This bag will hold it all, my lunch, knitting, wallet, and keys. So perfect and so cute. Add to the size and functionality that it is the 150th anniversary bag celebrating the Macy's Thanksgiving Parade and I would have to say that Jeremy did very well this year for Christmas. I'm so excited to go back to work and get to use my new bag...well not excited enough to cut my vacation short but you get the idea of how in love I with my new bag.

I took the picture from the internet because I don't feel like going and getting my camera, taking a pic an having to upload it.

But I had to show you a picture so you could just see how darn cute it is!!!!! :-)

Peace Out...Cub Scout!!!

My Crazy Cleaning Kids

Cody got a vacuum cleaner for his birthday this year which started World War 3 in our house. Taylor & Cody were constantly fighting over the vacuum cleaner. This led to the perfect gift for Taylor for Christmas, her very own vacuum cleaner. And perfect, it’s pink!!! Today I opened up Taylor’s vacuum cleaner and her and Cody went to town vacuuming up the house. They had a blast and were begging for more stuff to vacuum up. Really, I don’t know where they get this crazy cleaning gene from. ;-)

Peace Out...Cub Scout!!!

Friday, December 26, 2008

Yarn Sale

Both Joann's & Michael's had some yarn on sale today and some might think I went a little bit crazy. But hey my sister and brother in law gave me a super cute basket that was just begging to be filled with yarn so I did just that. Filled that basket to the brim with my super good deal yarn.

Peace Out...Cub Scout!!!

Knitting Time - Sweater Vest

A few months back, well not that long ago since I've really just learned how to knit, I started on a Christmas vest for Cody. I got down to the final part, the neckband and armbands but then got sidetracked with a million and one other things and didn't get around to finishing it. What better motivation though that waiting until the last minute and cranking this baby out. Yes, I finished it the evening of Christmas Eve. But the main thing is that it is done and I'm totally loving it. There are a few parts that I'm not thrilled with but it's my first sweater so I'm giving myself a little bit of leeway. Next one better be perfect though.

Peace Out...Cub Scout!!!

A Picture's Worth - Wiped Out

Too much Christmas for Two Kids

Peace Out...Cub Scout!!!

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas Morning

Christmas morning was everything I had hoped for and more. The kids loved everything and were in such a great mood all day long. The Holidays are always such a tough time and make for a very very long day for little ones. However, this year we avoided all drama, fights, and tantrums. Taylor & Cody got along wonderfully, enjoyed each and every one of their gifts. Taylor had a few favorites Puppy Grows, her vacuum cleaner, and sewing machine. Cody only had eyes for his fire station.

Cody beat sister to the living room...then stopped and just stared

Taylor giving loves to Puppy Grows

Cody & his beloved Fire Station

A quick pose before the unwrapping begins
Taylor & Cody after they opened up the gifts they got for each other. They were so excited to pick out presents they thought were perfect for each of them and open them up together.
Peace Out...Cub Scout!!!

Santa Claus Has Stopped By

Looks like Taylor & Cody were good this year. Santa has stopped by the house and dropped off some goodies while the kids were fast asleep in their beds. He filled the stockings making sure to get them new slippers just like every year. Also Santa brought Taylor & Cody their special requests….Puppy Grows & Knows Your Name for Taylor and a Fire Station for Cody. Santa decided to throw a little something special in to, a bounce house for Taylor & Cody to enjoy all year long. Santa must have been a busy little bee because the furniture had to be moved all around for everything to fit in the living room. Mommy is sitting here waiting for Taylor & Cody to wake up. I can’t wait to see the looks on their face…this is what being a parent is all about!!!

Peace Out...Cub Scout!!!

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Letter to Santa

Anybody that has been to our house in the last 6 weeks or so knows the rules...No eating or drinking on the new couch. I never realized the effects though that this rule had on the kids until a couple of days ago when I had a conversation with Taylor. We were talking about leaving out cookies & milk for Santa on Christmas Eve so he has something to recharge himself after such a long night. Taylor then proceeded to let me know that with the milk & cookies she needed to leave Santa a letter. Ah, so sweet I thought!! Until she told me what she wanted to write on the letter. See for yourself the letter that was left with the milk & cookies tonight.

Yes!! She is totally my daughter.
Peace Out...Cub Scout!!!

Christmas Eve Tradition

Taylor’s first Christmas I started a tradition that every Christmas Eve she would get to open just one present from mommy & daddy. This present was new Christmas pajamas so she would look cute the next morning opening up her Christmas presents. J This tradition has continued through the years and something that of course was started with Cody also. Each year after we get home from my mom and dads house the kids sit down open up their present, take a bath, get nice and cozy in their new pj’s, and get ready for bedtime so Santa can come visit.

Peace Out...Cub Scout!!!

Christmas Celebration #2

Christmas Eve is always the time that we celebrate with my family. This year my sister was with her husband’s family but my mom, dad, Jeremy, the kids and I all gathered on Christmas Eve to keep the tradition going. Typically we have prime rib but this year opted for a much simpler meal, one of everyone’s favorites, my mom’s tacos. And what Jeremy thinks are the best brownies ever for dessert. After we were finished eating the kids opened up their presents. A ton of pajamas, clothes, and toys later they were each down to their last present. Taylor & Cody opened up their last present at the same time and were excited to finally get their portable DVD players that they have wanted for months.

Taylor & her Gourmet Cupcake Maker Cody & his firetruck step stool
Excited over pajamas
Peace Out...Cub Scout!!!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

No School for 2 Weeks

Today starts my Winter Break for school. No school for 2 whole weeks. This is the only break that I have for the entire year so I treasure these 2 weeks. Also I'm in the home stretch now as November 2009 I will be done with school...unless I'm crazy enough to go for my Master's. Which at this point I am. I should start a countdown for my degree. Stay tuned for that!!

Peace Out...Cub Scout!!!

Monday, December 22, 2008

Countdown to Vacation Time

Woo-Hoo!! One more day and then my vacation starts. :-) I won't be back at work until January 5th which seems so far away. But of course time will fly. The first few days of my vacation will be a blur with Christmas. But I'm hoping to get some projects done during the second week of my vacation. Vacations where no travel happens are always nice it gives me a chance to get to those things that there just isn't enough time in the normal week for.

Peace Out...Cub Scout!!!