Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Porto's Potato Balls

Saturday we decided to take a drive to Burbank to do some shopping at some of our favorite stores, that we just don't have close by. We did some shopping at IKEA & Steve and Barry's before heading over to check out one of the RV dealerships that I pass by every day on my way to work. After those stops we were starving and what better place to eat when one is visiting Burbank, but Porto's Bakery. And who can make a stop at Porto's without having some of their potato balls. I ordered a few of the potato balls for Jeremy, Taylor, Cody & I knowing that the kids would love them. Only, I didn't know just how much Cody would love them. As soon as the plate hit the table, he assumed they were all his. When Taylor tried to take a potato ball from the plate drama ensued as Cody now had one less potato ball to feast on.

Moral of the Story: Don't mess with a Boy and his Porto's potato balls

So excited to get his hands on a potato ball
Taylor takes one away

I can't go on any longer

Peace Out...Cub Scout!!!

1 comment:

Kylee said...

i've never even heard of potato balls...i bet they're good though!