Monday, November 3, 2008

Halloween 2008

Halloween this year showed me just how different Taylor and Cody really truly are. Instead of spending the evening together they each had their own ideas of what they wanted to do. Taylor insisted on attending the Carnival that evening at her school while Cody was dead set on trick or treating. Instead of forcing one of them to make a decision, Jeremy & I split up and satisfied both of them. I took Taylor to her school carnival while Jeremy, my mom, and my sister took Cody out trick or treating.
Taylor had a blast at her party playing games and winning candy. She tried the Cake Walk a few times, but came up empty handed, however she had so much fun giving it a try. Cody took his group on a whirlwind tour of the town and had them out trick or treating for close to 3 hours. Just when Jeremy figured he had enough Cody would respond with "Just 2 more minutes please".
It must be something about this year in a childs life that they realize how cool Trick or Treating is...When Taylor hit 3 years old that was her special Halloween that she stayed out for hours and refused to stop until she couldn't walk anymore.

Some pics from the evening...The Magician and his Bunny

Peace Out...Cub Scout!!!


Lexie Loo, Lily, Liam & Dylan Too said...

I can't believe how big they are!

Kylee said...

awww, i love their costumes!!

The Creative Princess said...

The costumes turned out great Jess! Taylor is just getting too old though! :( No more trick or treating? That's so sad! I am glad Cody had a great time! Too cute about the 2 more minutes! lol