Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Watch Out Babe Ruth

Here comes Taylor, t-ball extraordiniare. Yes, I had to dig all the way back that far to be able to include a name that was worth Taylor going after the fame of. I mean who else was I going to use?
Pete Rose, nope.
Barry Bonds, not likely.
A-Rod, never!!

Taylor started T-ball practice 2 weeks ago and with a little more practice she will be ready to be in the big leagues.

Back to reality. She has a good time playing and hits the ball occasionally and catches it sometimes too. She has mastered the art of running to 1st and 2nd base but likes to skip 3rd and run straight home. Nothing wrong with taking a short cut as long you get the end result, right. But there is still time and really what matters is that she is having a good time.
Taylor's first game is this Saturday, wish us luck.

Peace Out...Cub Scout!!!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

H2H: Martini Time

I have to laugh at this edition of Project House to Home. Jeremy & I are not at all drinkers. I wouldn't even consider us social drinkers. Occasionally, if we are with a group of people we might partake of one drink, but that is very, very, rare. I do like a good Virgin Pina Colada though. This is what makes the theme for our kitchen and family room so funny...Martini's.

Our original plan was to go with a theme of wine, since it seems so fitting for a kitchen. But in reality the wine themes were not modern enough for the look we wanted. That's when we stumbled upon Michael Godard and his art, well not exactly when since in reality my sister introduced the the paintings of Michael Godard a little over a year ago (but more about that at another time). Back to the kitchen and family room. The abstract martini, bold colors, clear lines, is exactly the modern look that Jeremy & I wanted and if it happens to be Martini's then roll with it. We are totally loving the way it's starting to come together.

Large canvas pictures start the theme in the room, bring in the colors in the placemats and flowers, and also the rug leading to the backyard. Adding Martini glasses to the ledge on the cabinets. Still a ton to go but baby steps is the key for Project House to Home.

Peace Out...Cub Scout!!!

A Picture's Worth - Ice Cream Truck

Peace Out...Cub Scout!!!

Tag, I'm it!

So a long long long time ago....well not that long but back in January. My friend Kylee tagged me on her Blog. I set myself a reminder to make sure I answered the tag and here we are almost 3 months later. Without further ado, here are the rules.

1. Choose the 4th folder where you store your pictures on your computer
2. Select the 4th picture in the folder
3. Explain the picture
4. Tag 4 people to do the same

First off, I typically don't store pictures on my computer, I keep them on CD's. So I wasn't sure I would have a picture to share. But I did come across 6 folders with photobook pages in them, the 4th one happened to be from our cruise last April. I can't believe it's been almost a year since we sailed off on a week of pure bliss. This picture was taken on one of the formal nights all dressed up and ready for a night on the ship. I still remember this night like it was yesterday and will treasures those memories forever.

Now it's your turn. I tag...Steph, Kimmy, Brandi, and Stacey.

Peace Out...Cub Scout!!!

Monday, March 16, 2009

You Grab a Line...

I'll grab a pole, honey...Now that I got that song stuck in your head, let's move on.

A few weeks back my Pops decided it would be fun to take the kids fishing. Now you need to understand that when Pops decides something it means it's going to be all out. Here is a great example.

I think hey, let's go pick up 2 kids fishing pole kits and hit the park.
Pops thinks, hey let's go pick up 2 kids poles, a pole for me, a new tackle box, gotta have a fishing license, bait, weights, and a million other disgusting looking fishing things.

See the difference. Simple versus Complex. But I've learned it's easier to just go with the flow when it come to Grandparents.

The day came and this weekend we headed out to the fishing hole. Which for us means a park a short drive away that has a giant lake in the middle of it. Taylor & Cody were super excited for this day to come, they had both spent the past 3 weeks casting their poles in the front yard. We got up, got ready, and headed over to Pops house to pile in the truck.
As soon as we pulled into the park we knew it was going to be a quick fishing trip, just didn't realize how quick it was going to be. The wind was blowing, but not unbearable so we decided to make the trek across the park and find the perfect fishing spot.
Pops baited up Taylor's pole and she cast out in the water and waited for a fish to bite.
Cody cast out his line as soon as we stopped at the water's edge. Yes, with the cute little red play fish and no bait on it. Then he reeled it right back in and cast out again. Part of me thought I should correct him, put some bait on the end and explain the art of patience. But he was having too much fun reeling in his fake fish over and over so I let him be.
About 10 minutes into the fishing adventure Taylor caught a nice piece of branches from a tree.
The wind started to pick up, my chair tipped over, and my Dooney purse was mere inches away from dropping into the lake.
It was at that moment I realized this fishing thing was not going to work, the wind won and we shall try fishing another day.

Peace Out...Cub Scout!!!

Vegas Bound

Ok, so not right this second. But in just a few short days we will be headed for a much needed few days away and what better place to rest and relax....the fast paced world of Las Vegas. Right, so maybe it's not the ideal situation to necessarily rest and relax for some. For me and my family though it's perfect...and...perfectly needed. We are not the type to want to just sit still on vacation, we have to be amused and entertained constantly. I plan to stay away from technology though, which is where the rest and relax comes in and just enjoy the sights and sounds the kids and the family.

Food & Fun...Here we a few days. Can you tell I'm excited?!?!?

Peace Out...Cub Scout!!!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

H2H: Frame Creations

Jeremy & I have been moving full steam ahead with Project House to Home. We are finally starting to figure out themes for rooms and get a really good idea of what we want to do. Here we have the perfect solution to one of the walls, a frame that I made by taking a number of smaller Ikea frames, painting, and then arranging in the best way possible to maximize the space on the wall. It fits perfectly with just enough space on both sides. Super simple and super cheap. Overall the entire cost of making the frame had to be under $10.00!!

Peace Out...Cub Scout!!!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Cody -- March 2009

Cody, Cody, Cody...where do I start on my silly little boy. These last few months have really shown me just how there is no longer a baby in this house. Cody is by far the sweetest little guy I've ever met. He is going to make some girl a very happy wife...but he is almost too sweet so mommy is working on that part because no girl is going to take advantage of my little stud. Cody will give you the shirt off his back if you asked for it. This is especially true with Taylor, whom he loves more than words could say. Anything Taylor wants Cody will make it happen.

Last week Cody received an award at school that about knocked me off my feet, he got an award for participation for answering a question during bible study. I had to check with the teachers to make sure they didn't have it wrong and that indeed it was Cody who earned it. You see, my sweet perfect little Cody is the best when it comes to compassion but when it comes to attention span and being able to sit still he has zero on that front. This award proved to me that indeed he has it in him and one day it will come out, in the meantime I just chalk it up to "being a boy".

Cody's obsession with fire trucks has not stopped and has increased to taxi cabs, police cars, ambulances, and trash trucks. Cody is capable of spotting any of these on the road, parked in a lot, or at a house a million miles away. He has to point them out to me oftentimes because he sees them well before I do.

Last weekend Jeremy & I broke down and finally went for a new hair style for Cody...he is now officially a flat top kid and we love it!!! As soon as his barber was done with it she said, this is the cut for him.

Peace Out...Cub Scout!!!

Taylor - March 2009

What better way to get back into my Blogging than with updates.

Taylor is flying through kindergarten and will be starting 1st grade before we know it. Yesterday, or so it seemed, we were hanging around waiting for her to come out in her cap and gown for pre-school graduation and now we are headed to yet another graduation in just a few short months. Taylor has been doing exceptional at school, she is ahead of her class on learning her sight words and is able to read books for bedtime. The days of mommy and daddy reading to her are gone, another happy but sad accomplishment.

Taylor has started t-ball practice and has her first game on Saturday, I'm not sure who is more excited for her first game, Taylor, my mom, or me? It's very sentimental to see Taylor playing on the same field in the same league that I did, oh about 15 years ago. Taylor is having fun with t-ball but I noticed something the last few months that has become very obvious with t-ball. Taylor is a perfectionist, she has to be perfect at everything. She gets frustrated when she doesn't catch the ball. We are working on this and hopefully over time either she will get so good she doesn't have to worry about missing the ball or get over it and realize that she doesn't have to be perfect. I'm hoping for the latter and am working with her on it.

I'm loving the way that Taylor and Cody and getting along, of course they have their spats as all siblings do, but overall they are doing great at getting along. The highlight of the week for Taylor and Cody is Friday nights when they get to have sleepovers together. Both Taylor and Cody sleep in Cody's room on his bunk bed. They love spending the night in the same room together and I love seeing them get along so great.

In just a few short months Taylor will be turning the big 6 years old, mommy is not at all ready for my little princess to be 6. But since I can't stop her from growing, I tried, I have to just accept it and enjoy spending time with her.

Peace Out...Cub Scout!!!

73 days into 2009

Can you believe we are already 73 days in to the new year. Really where does time go?!?! These last 73 days have flown by and I can promise you there is no way it feels like we are already done with the 1st quarter of the year. These last 73 days have been filled to the brim with barely enough time to sleep let alone Blog. I have a million and one things to catch you all up on and I better get started on the catching up now before another 73 days passes us by.

Peace Out...Cub Scout!!!