What better way to get back into my Blogging than with updates.
Taylor is flying through kindergarten and will be starting 1st grade before we know it. Yesterday, or so it seemed, we were hanging around waiting for her to come out in her cap and gown for pre-school graduation and now we are headed to yet another graduation in just a few short months. Taylor has been doing exceptional at school, she is ahead of her class on learning her sight words and is able to read books for bedtime. The days of mommy and daddy reading to her are gone, another happy but sad accomplishment.
Taylor has started t-ball practice and has her first game on Saturday, I'm not sure who is more excited for her first game, Taylor, my mom, or me? It's very sentimental to see Taylor playing on the same field in the same league that I did, oh about 15 years ago. Taylor is having fun with t-ball but I noticed something the last few months that has become very obvious with t-ball. Taylor is a perfectionist, she has to be perfect at everything. She gets frustrated when she doesn't catch the ball. We are working on this and hopefully over time either she will get so good she doesn't have to worry about missing the ball or get over it and realize that she doesn't have to be perfect. I'm hoping for the latter and am working with her on it.
I'm loving the way that Taylor and Cody and getting along, of course they have their spats as all siblings do, but overall they are doing great at getting along. The highlight of the week for Taylor and Cody is Friday nights when they get to have sleepovers together. Both Taylor and Cody sleep in Cody's room on his bunk bed. They love spending the night in the same room together and I love seeing them get along so great.
In just a few short months Taylor will be turning the big 6 years old, mommy is not at all ready for my little princess to be 6. But since I can't stop her from growing, I tried, I have to just accept it and enjoy spending time with her.

Peace Out...Cub Scout!!!