Saturday, May 31, 2008

Finally picked a paint color

You have no idea what a huge accomplishment this is for Jeremy and I....We finally both decided on a color to paint the house!! Of course for most people this is a simple task but for us not quite so simple. It has taken us 2 years to make this decision. We went to Home Depot today and picked up a couple gallons of paint in a color called Pumpkin Butter and in just a few short hours the color will begin to go on the walls. I'm so excited to get the walls painted so I can start making our house look and feel like a home.

The big square is our chosen color...Pumpkin Butter

Friday, May 30, 2008

Wonderful cleaning day today

Ahhhh...It felt so good to just have a day at home where the kids were at school and Jeremy was at work and I could just focus on getting stuff done. I got a bunch of errands taken care of plus cleaned the house top to bottom and re-organized the pantry and the laundry room. I didn't quite make it to my homework like I wanted to, but there is always tomorrow for that. I'm looking forward to this weekend so plans, just relax. We haven't had a nice relaxing weekend at home in a long time.

Growing up too fast

A few days ago my mom and dad went to pick Taylor up from school and while they were there they ordered her cap and gown for pre-school graduation. It doesn't seem real that in just a few months I will have a kindergartner. Where does the time go??

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Great fathers get promoted to grandfathers

I love this picture of Cody & Papa fixing his quad

Summer fridays

The best thing about summer is not flip flops in the sand, or the warm sun beating down, by far the best thing about summer is...

Summer Fridays!!!!

Yeah, I love having Fridays off. Tomorrow is going to be all about me. I have so much organizing I want to do at home and with Jeremy at work and the kids at school I will be able to get a lot of cleaning and organizing done. I'm getting so excited....6 hours to go.

Taylor's current hobby

It's official, my little princess is hooked on riding her quad. I completely blame by dad for this as a few months ago he decided she needed a quad of her own. At first she was a bit shaky, but she is getting to be a pro now and I will admit it is a blast watching her have so much fun. I see many, many camping trips in my future. Thankfully, when we camp it's in a toy hauler with flush toilets and warm showers. Otherwise, I'm not quite sure I would be able to further support this crazy hobby of my daughters.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Sure, why not??

So I decided to try this whole blogging stuff. I tried a few years back when Cody was first born but I got too crazy with it and created a whole entire website for the kids. Long story short, I do not have time for a whole website, got irritated with myself because I never had time to update it, and therefore just cancelled the darn thing.

But then I started getting antsy so I looked around and stumbled across this whole blogging thing and figured, Sure, why not?

So here I sit in front of the computer wondering what this blog will turn into and where it will head. Only time will tell. Realistically, I have a crazy busy life. I work full time and go to school full time, add to that my family and you could say I have a full plate. But I'm always looking to add more to it......