Sunday, January 4, 2009

Dorky Boys

I can still recall a conversation with Jeremy a number of years was pre-Cody and even pre-Taylor. Jeremy & I were in a grocery store doing some shopping and as we were checking out there was a boy ahead of us. He must have been about 6 years old or so and I remember him acting like a complete dork. I told Jeremy that if we ever had a boy I hoped he didn't act like that. Jeremy said don't hold my breathe and that all boys act dorky. I only had a sister so I didn't know any better. Over the years I would see boys and the only words out of Jeremy's mouth were see, told you so. When I was first pregnant and had a girl I was thrilled at the thought of not having to deal with that "dorky" boy and instead had a princess in my cart while out shopping.
Then Cody came along, I was blessed with a boy and scared of the thought of one day having that "dorky" boy that insisted on just acting well, plain old dorky. These first few years with Cody have been awesome, no acting dorky just like I had planned in my head.
But then it all changed. In the last few weeks, Cody has turned into that dorky boy, doing all things dorky. And you know what, it's ok, and I even like it at times. Well more at home than out in public but it's growing on me. You see, all boys are dorky that's just what they do and it's ok. So the next time you are out and you see a boy acting dorky remind yourself he's just being a dorky boy, it's normal, all boys do it.

I love my dorky boy!!!

Peace Out...Cub Scout!!!


Deidre said...

And just what do you mean by "dorky" boy? Signed, clueless mom of a boy in GA. LOL!

Kylee said...

This is so funny because I was just telling Rhett how boys are just "weird." LOL