Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Monthly Organizing Round-Up - Living Room

Well I fell off the wagon there and have regretfully missed the last few months of the Round-Ups that are hosted monthly by The Org Junkie. I'm back on track now though and ready for this month's challenge.

Organizing Blog

This month’s Round Up is living rooms. This was a tough one for me to decide on whether or not to do the “living room” or the room where we actually do the “living” aka the family room. That’s a whole another post though, I never figured out why they call it a living room when seriously the only time it is used is for Holidays and not for living. Oh well I guess that’s why I work in Human Resources and not building houses.

The family room in our house is pretty organized for the most part thanks to the most awesome entertainment center. It fits the hole in the wall perfectly. The entertainment center though helps to keep things in their place. Except for the pile of papers that ends up there instead of on the desk where they belong and the Wii accessories that were begging for a home and not just a shelf to sit on. Last year I added some baskets to the shelves on the left hand side to help organize the play-doh. Play-doh is off limits in the playroom so I keep it hostage in the family room. The couch is a plus and a minus. The couch pillows are always piled up in the corner of the couch, but look so much better when actually set up nicely. There is a center console on the couch that keeps the remotes nicely stored too. All in all not too much to do here since the room kind of organizes itself provided I take full advantage of the organizing features.

The Couch Before
The Couch After....Ahhh
The Entertainment Center Before
The Entertainment Center After
The Home for Play-Doh & Wii Stuff

Peace Out...Cub Scout!!!


Kylee said...

Looks great! I was just thinking of getting some sort of basket for our Wii's cluttering up my TV!

Controlling My Chaos said...

You look pretty organized. Oh man, the Wii stuff. I had to buy another container for all that stuff.

momstheword said...

Very pretty! I love the way the entertainment center looks like a built-in. Love the baskets too. I am a "basket" person, lol!

Lizzie said...

I like the baskets, too. Gives me some ideas...

Anonymous said...

The kids got a Wii for Christmas and boy does it have a lot of stuff to store! We're going to use baskets, too....looks like everyone else likes that idea, as well.